Nov 19, 2018

Briggs Book Tag

So I saw this tag over at It Starts at Midnight a week or so ago and since life has been kicking my butt lately, it took me this long to give the tag a go! Lol! It apparently originated over at Jaded Reader, so I'm giving the credit to where it belongs! Also this image above I borrowed from Shannon at It Starts at Midnight.

So Shannon had posted a website that lets you take a personality test to see what your personality is like! I've honestly never done one of these before! And like with more tests that go on the strongly agree to strongly disagree answering, I felt like some questions just didn't really mesh with me. Like I truly felt indifferent about it, or it really matter what that exact situation is and who it involves! What my results are don't really mean much to me because I guess I don't really think about these kinds of things, but I still thought it made for an interest tag! 

Here's what I got: INFJ

I guess it's fitting that author is on their for career choices as that's what I still long to do. I think I will make it my New Year's Resolution for certain to try to get things figured out in that area as I have put it off for far too long!

And now onto the tag itself!

INTROVERT (I): You can be outgoing, but need to recharge with some calming solitude, Where is your favorite place to read & unwind? Why is this little oasis where you choose to go?

Basically my room! My room is my dojo, my quiet place, my happy place (as that's where some of my books are). My room is my fortress of solitude and where I spend a lot of my downtime. It's always just been my comfort place, because it's my room. I'm surrounded by books and other happy things!

INTUITION (N): Some books are meant to be understood and others are meant to be explored. What book or character stands for an idea that is deeply meaningful to you?

I somehow always come back to Demon in My View for the weirdest of topics! This was the book that set me on my course for love of reading, love of vampires (and all things paranormal), the book that made me want to write my own stories...however pitiful they were! Lol. This book may be kind of mundane when you look at it, it's under 200 pages, for it's time that was an average book length. It's about vampires. A special unique human girl. Tropes I know people tire of. But I honestly love this book still! I haven't read it in years, but I remember all the feelings I had when I read it all those multiple times as a teen. It's a book that will always be something special and mean the world to me!

FEELING (F): Not everything needs to be realistic, where is the fun in a world with limits? Which fantasy world do you find so atmospheric you slip inside and never want to leave? (Put simply a book with good vibes)

Poison Study was one of those books with good vibes! I loved the magical world setting and how magic was treated! There was conflict, lots of conflict, amazing character develop, friendships, romances, an enticing plot all in this magical world that held me riveted! I remember I was reading it on a roadtrip and I didn't have a booklight on me because I always hated having to move the light every two minutes or so. So when it got dark, I had to stop and I was so upset!

JUDGING (J): All play and no work leads to chaotic disorder…and anarchy. How do you structure and balance your reading, booktube blogging, and personal life to better use your time?

I guess because as the test reminded me, I am very introverted. As in, I don't get out much! Lol. So with no social life, all there is to do is read and blog and try to write/tweak that book of mine!

THE COUNSELOR: Yes we're a bit odd, but we're also filled with intuition and empathy. What is a book you would recommend to a friend having a hard time.

This one's hard for me. I don't read contemporaries and I feel like that's "the answer" to this kind of question. A book that can help you relate, help you deal. I'm not that kind of reader though. I'm a reader who reads to escape. So if a friend of mine was having a hard time, I'd naturally talk to them and see if there was anything I could do to help them. Then I recommend reading First Grave on the Right by Darynda Jones!

Every book in this series had me laughing! Charley is such a riot! And I now when I am feeling really down, what I want is to be able to laugh. I want to forget the problem if only for a few hours. Whether I watch a funny movie or TV show or read a book, I just want that ability to escape the problem for awhile. Charley would definitely help with the laughter and the story was good too! A nice intriguing mystery and of course you throw in some ghosts, so it's all good!!

While this may be the more complex kind of tag, I did find it interesting! If you think it's interesting enough, go ahead and give it a try! At Jaded Reader's booktube video, she does have links and helpful documents that have the prompts and whatnot, so you don't have to get lost in trying to figure that out. I actually did, but luckily through the two other examples I found, I was able to get through my personality! LOL!