Nov 28, 2018

The Greek Gods Book Tag

I saw this tag earlier last week at Ready, Set, Read! and thought it looked like fun! I always loved Greek mythology so I had to get behind this tag!!

I'm borrowing images from Genni's post and the originator, Book Bun, because I really liked them too!

Here are some rules:  

  • Pingback to Zuky here so she can read all your posts!

  • You can use her graphics if you like, but you don’t have to if you don’t want to. The graphics for this post are my own, so if you use the graphics from here, please credit me (Genni @ Ready, Set, Read)!

  • Tag as many people as you want, but please share the love.

 Since I can never truly answer this question I will fall back on one of my old favorites that still remains a fave even after all these years! Blood and Chocolate was one of those reads that took me by surprise and I loved it to pieces! I can still remember some of the details today, which just goes to show how much I re-read it when I had nothing new to read! Lol.

Tella from Legendary was definitely badass! She was quite different from her sister, Scarlett, and I think that's what I loved about her! She wasn't afraid to speak her mind or take charge. I loved how she always maintained a sense of humor too, no matter the situation! 

No surprise here, Alice Reeds' Echoes was by far my most favorite debut this year! It was an exciting read that took me by surprise and kept me on the edge of my seat! It was mysterious and intense and ended with such a cliffhanger that I was elated to have news earlier this month that a sequel was coming in 2020! Yes, elated for a sequel in 2020!

Well, I pretty much NEVER read nonfiction books! But I will say that I have As You Wish on my TBR pile still because it was The Princess Bride movie related and written in part by Cary Elwes! And plus, you know I got to meet Cary Elwes! A childhood dream come true!!!

Yeah that's a loooong list! But I will go with my favorite author's debut book from years back! Poison Study was a book I found through bizarre circumstances with Amazon, yet it was one I was quick to fall in love with! And through that love I have even become good friends with Maria! So I would easily recommend this book to any fantasy/magic lovers! It's truly stunning!

I know, I know! Please don't hate me! I know Twilight is a book that either people love or hate and when they love it, it means something special to them whether it was their first vampire book or the book that got them back into reading. For me, it was just another fad. I did read the series but was very underwhelmed by it all in the end. And when people wanted to start comparing this book to YA vampire books that predated it and saying that it was trying to hard to be Twilight, I about lost it! I feel like I would just get along fine in life if this one never existed. How about just for my reality for those of you who did appreciate it! ;)

I feel like as a paranormal/fantasy reader this is a tough question. I feel like those "groundbreaking" books are the contemporary fiction ones that get raved about that have zero interest in. But I will say that from this year, Lisa Jense's, Beast: A Tale of Love and Revenge was pretty spellbinding! It was a beautiful retelling of the tale as old as time told solely from the candlestick's point of view! Yes, a female version of the candlestick! It was a pretty different retelling of the tale as old as time and I thought it was remarkable! It was unlike any TB&TB retelling I've ever read! 

Covers releasing this year that I just fell in love with were:

And let's not forget my first ever cover obsession...

I still love this one to pieces too!! 

Way back when, when What's a Ghoul to Do? released, I was quick to read this series! They were always releasing on my winter break and I would literally read them all in one day! Reading from morning to night and barely stopping to eat, I'd devour these books! Oddly it was before I got on social media as well so I wasn't glued to my phone every hour for a few minutes! Lol. 

Hmm...I don't think I've ever encountered one like this (outside of school ones) that I didn't just DNF. Usually if a book I am reading is boring or making me fall asleep, I'd DNF it and not waste anymore time on it. So I don't think I could answer this one and Genni must have felt the same too for she didn't do this one, hence the difference in image theme! ;)

And that's it! If you love Greek mythology too and want to get in on this tag, consider yourself tagged!!