Apr 8, 2020

Win a Copy of Crave by Tracy Wolff!

Hey all! If you've been following me for a long time, you might know that I positively LOVE vampire books! And when the vampire trend in books died down some years ago, my heart broke (luckily I still have quite a few in my TBR pile to read!). But it looks like there's a light on the horizon and it's bearing fangs! Yes, I'm talking about vampires! It looks like the vampires are making a slow and steady comeback into [YA] literature again!

So yesterday, CRAVE by Tracy Wolff released into the wild and I had the absolute pleasure of reading this one early and it was AMAZING! A-MA-ZING!!!

And because it was so amazing and it's VAMPIRES...I want to give away a copy here on my blog! 

ONE LUCKY (US) Winner will receive a copy of Crave of their very own! Unfortunately, I have to keep it US only this time around. Other guidelines: You must be 13 or older to enter this contest or have a parent's permission.

The book will be shipped through Amazon and as of right now, it will be in stock on the 17th, so I'll run my contest through then and hopefully they'll have a healthy amount in stock. So be sure to check your emails that evening as I will be picking the winner then!

Since I tried linking my review within the rafflecopter, I don't think it actually linked up, here's my review for easy viewing and those extra points! ;)