13 years ago today I created this blog on a whim as I was trying to gain another entry into Rachel Vincent's current contest for an ARC of her next book, Prey--which omg, it was almost a good thing I lost because if I read THAT ending early...I would've lost my $#*t! I decided to keep the blog as a way to gush about the books I was reading that I couldn't talk to with people in real life as "my people" weren't readers.
I honestly never would've thought I would still have this blog 13 years later! Not only that, but adding other social media accounts to my "resume." I've never been one of those people who had to constantly be on social media, and for the most part I'm still not! I'm on Twitter usually to enter contests, I'll sometimes just rant because ranting can be therapeutic! Lol. Plus, when I need to reach customer services for various companies, Twitter works really quickly and easily! And then there's the love of taking pictures of my books and posting them on Instagram! That's just darn fun...even if Instagram buries them in the slush. That update to post chronologically can't come soon enough!
So here I went on a long tangent which I try not to do here either. Lol. Well, sometimes, maybe. I'd have to go through my 7K posts and see which ones are ramblings to see how many times I got off topic!
In my 13 years of blogging all I can really say is that I've had a lot of fun for the past 13 years. I've seen so many other bloggers come and go because blogging soon became too much of a job for them. There were too many books to review, too many commitments, and then you add real life to that and reading just wasn't fun for them. I've always kept my blog as something I do for fun! I'm reading anyway, so I thought why not post a review for the book because as a reader I say I still look for the traditionally written reviews. I could never get into the vlogs as I feel like I can read faster than it takes for a conversation about a book. Perhaps that is why I am bad at socializing with non-book people.
I still can't see myself ever wanting to give up this blog. I've had it for so long now that it's apart of me. I still carry a few of my blogger cards in my purse out of years of habit. It's just been my own private social activity and I love communicating with other readers this way. So yeah, I'll quite possibly be that little old lady who's still writing book reviews down the line!
Let's get onto the giveaway after that long ramble! 13 years and I still feel like I have a lot to talk about since the blogosphere has been ever changing these past couple years and that's not even including Covid!
The giveaway will be for ONE reader to receive a $40 (USD) gift card to a book site of their choice, i.e. Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million, or your Indie bookstore pending that I can buy a gift card online and send it to you via email. International readers can enter as long as The Book Depository ships to your country. You would then have your pick of $40 (USD) in books.
Entrants must be 18 years or older or have a parent's permission since I will be needing your email address to send you the gift card or your address should the winner be international.