So I was eager to do a discussion but was lacking creativity again so I turned to Nicole's helpful list on her site looking for a topic that triggered my mind motors. Lol. One that got me thinking was...
What Draws You to a Book Cover?
I love playing this "game," so to speak. Before blogging this is basically how I found my books to read. Well, sometimes it could've been the title if there weren't many books facing out. But when I came across those special covers that were facing outwards ones that drew my eye were ones that had a dark color scheme. To me, dark colors spoke of possible paranormal reads! Color schemes tended to tell me what genre I was possibly looking at before I read the back of the cover. I mean, when you look at all my paranormal reads, they generally have dark color schemes.
For instance when I saw the cover to Halfway to the Grave, I knew it would be something I'd like! I mean, a dark spooky night in a graveyard with a heroine wielding a knife? Yes please!
While not paranormal, the title was very telling to me. Amazon actually recommended this to me with no prior mentioning of Poison Study! So naturally, with a title like Magic Study it got my attention and I pretty much uncovered right away there was a book before this one, so I immediately went to Borders and bought that one! Still have my Borders price tag sticker on it too! Magical reads to me were a form of light paranormal reads since the characters were magic wielders!
And who could forget my cover love for 13 to Life?! This one was a gorgeous blue in a woodsy scene with the shadowy face hovering above with a full moon in the eye...hello werewolves!!! I still remember seeing this cover at my first RT convention and it being love at first sight! I even met Shannon at the convention and I expressed my excitement for this book! I got so many postcards, posters, and whatever promo swag she had for it because it was a book I was dying to read!
What have been some covers you have loved? Do you notice a trend in the covers that you are drawn to without knowing the author or anything about the book itself?