Jan 17, 2022

Let's Discuss: This or That: Dessert Edition


So I had a great idea for a discussion post the other day and since I was working I didn't have time to write it, but I should have at least wrote down the topic as a reminder. I still don't remember what it was. But then I was looking at an article of top items on sale at Amazon that led me to this other idea! Lol. So I then decided to turn this into a small "This or That" type post!

This or That: Dessert Edition

BROWNIES: Corner piece or middle piece?

I'm totally a middle piece person! Yes, everyone wants the corners because they're crispier, but I love the soft chewy center best! So when I see all these wacky pans that are designed to give you all edge pieces I'm not a fan. Lol.

CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES: Less chips or lots of chips?

LOTS of chips! I love having chocolate chips in every bite! Now my sister is one who would prefer practically no chips. I don't understand how we're related sometimes. Lol.

COOKIES: Crunchy or chewy?

This I thought of more towards chocolate chip cookies as well, or a similar style cookie dough base. So basically do you prefer a crispy, crunchy kind of cookie or a soft, chewy cookie? I'm totally a soft chewy cookie type! Guess that's why I also like centerpieces of brownies!

VANILLA OR CHOCOLATE: be it cake, frosting, ice-cream, whatever! Though I can totally understand differences in preferring one over the other in food type.

Basically, I'm a "plain, boring vanilla" person! I don't know why, I just always preferred vanilla ice-cream over chocolate. I love vanilla cake with vanilla frosting. I guess because it's sweeter? I don't know. I'm weird.

So yeah, I clearly had sweets on the brain when I was writing this. Since I'm in the middle of my "New Year cutback on the sweets" eating style, I'm clearly craving them! Lol. I plan on having chocolate chip cookies on Super Bowl night though...just have to be good until then!