Jan 29, 2022

Olympic Book Tag

I saw this fun tag over at It Starts At Midnight and thought why not do it since the Olympics are coming up! I am in no way a sports person, but I love me a good book tag, so here we go! This tag was created by Shannon It Starts At Midnight, and I've borrowed all the images from her post as well.



"The moment the door opened I knew an ass-kicking was inevitable."

Gorgeous writing that felt like your classic fairy tale!


I mean, Scarlett's journey to save her sister was pretty epic!

I mean it was a risk in the sense that it was shelved in romance and I had been burned before by what I thought would be an actiony paranormal book. It helped that a few favorite authors had quotes on the cover and this immediately became a favorite series and author!

Please don't hate me.

10 years next month and I am still gutted over this one!

I was on winter break when I picked this one up, started it in the morning and did not stop reading all day and finished it before I went to bed that night!

Bananas in the way that it was told and just by being freaking awesome and terrifying!

All the epic romances! I honestly did not know who I wanted Tella to be with most when it came down to her choice! Legend kept ticking me off, but then so did Jacks! Lol.

The book started strong as a gender swapped The Beauty and the Beast, then somewhere in the middle it just started falling flat for me.

No explanations necessary.

I've read so many books with multiple points of view...and of course when on the spot I draw a blank for any book besides Finale! Lol.

Kicking it old school with this one!

We are talkin cra-zy!!!