Stacking the Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts, and of course ebooks! The meme is now hosted by Reading Reality.
The first full week of the year was pretty slow. Which since I'm still trying to learn at my new job wasn't a bad thing. It does make the day go a little slower though, but I'm told things will pick up again sooner than I know it! So there's that. Hopefully I'll feel more confident in my role by then! As far as books go, this was a slowish week for them too. Though I admit I did a little too much online shopping the last few days, resulting in bigger than I would've liked purchases. Lol. But as I said in a tweet yesterday I'll wince when I get the bill, but be happy in a month or two when I get the items already paid for! I'm usually pretty good with my money but every once in awhile I break a little loose...and then it hits all at once like it did this week!
Anyway, here's what I got this week:
A Twist of Fate by Kelley Armstrong--SIGNED, numbered edition!
Then I won the December Discussion Challenge giveaway and received my choice of any 2021 release and I picked one I didn't get around to buying when it came out:
Havoc by Mary Lindsey
Then one of my blogging friends passed along a Caraval print she didn't care for and I received that! Tella was my favorite sister, so I quite liked this piece!
Then I received my preorder gift for The Righteous! They were a set of book art overlays. They're really pretty and I'm trying to figure out the best way to display them...
THANK YOU Penguin Teen!!
And that was it for me this week! I got far more than I thought I would so it was all good! What did you get this week?