Jun 21, 2012

900 Followers Contest!

I've reached 900 followers!! Yay! Thank you all so much for continuing to follow my blog! I was so happy last week when I saw that 9-0-0! Only 100 more and then I am in the big leagues of 1000! Whoohoo!

So contest time! I thought I would do something extra special, but unfortunately this will only be available for my US followers. Sorry, I can't afford the shipping, but I will have an international followers contest too where you can pick your book!

The contest will be for a signed book of your choice from one of the following authors:

Veronica Roth
Aprilynne Pike
Dan Wells
S.J. Kincaid

In two weeks I'm attending a signing (as long as nothing horrible happens!) where these 4 fabulous authors will be! So I will get the book at the signing and get the author to sign it to you personally--if you so wish! And I will be nice enough to buy any of their books, even the hardcovers, which tend to be pricey! I'm feeling cheery at the moment! Come time my credit card bill comes, maybe not so much! Ha! But books are what I buy, so I want to buy one for you!

So as I said, the prize is any one of the books one of the authors has written! And it will be signed! To you if you wish or to someone else if you want to gift it...whatever!

Just enter the rafflecopter do hickey at the bottom of the page.

Now for my international followers I will buy you one book of your choice from Book Depository in a $10-15 (US) range. Just enter the appropriate rafflecopter form and you're in!

REMEMBER: You can only enter 1 contest, if you're US you are in the US one and International folk go in the International one--unless of course you have some in the US who you can use as your address!

This is the US ONLY contest!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This is the International ONLY contest! Sorry, it looks confusing, the (US) is there to indicate value of the book.

a Rafflecopter giveaway