Jun 22, 2012


I will be M.I.A. the next few days, as I will be on vacation!! It's my yearly trip to Cedarburg, Wisconsin for the annual Strawberry Festival!

I can't wait! I love going, since there's local and out-of-state vendors with miscellaneous wears and goods! I don't usually buy anything, but it is still fun to look around!

The festival is just for the weekend, so for the remainder of the time I'll be going shopping elsewhere, hanging out, going to some of my fave restaurants up there that are only known in Cedarburg!

And most of all I will be enjoying the wonderful weather!! A glance at their forecast showed things being below 80! I'm talking high 70s, maybe some low 80s, but still better than 90s!

I will occasionally try to get on the computer and at least see what's going on elsewhere. I can't stay off the internet, I'm a blogging junkie! So while I may not be commenting, I still will be reading over posts in my reader thingy!

Also, I have my weekly meme posts scheduled to go up! So you can still read my STS, Top 5 Sundays, teases and WoW and Random Thursday! Basically all that good stuff that is regularly scheduled!

I'll be back Wednesday or Thursday, not sure which.

Ciao everyone!