Sep 20, 2024

Book Blogger Hop #324


This meme is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addict!
This week's question is: September is a busy month for literary events and book awards. Are there any award-winning books or authors you're eager to read, or any forthcoming book events you intend to go to or cover on your blog? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer

MY ANSWER: Well I am writing this post in advance and I know I had an event schedule for last Saturday and just this past Thursday! So hopefully those went well! Lol.

My next event is in a few weeks where I will be meeting Sabaa Tahir! I believe she won an award for her Contemporary YA book, but as you know I don't read that genre, so I can't really recall if I am remembering correctly. I feel like she did win something for it though! I am excited to see her again for her newest book series!

I might also have another event, but again, writing this early and tickets have not gone on sale yet, but I saw the author post about it. So I am eagerly awaiting for that announcement which is scheduled to be in the same week as Sabaa's event! So it will be a nice start to October that's for sure!

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Comments are an award all on their own! So my blog is an award free one! Thanks for any consideration though!