Sep 18, 2024

Can't Wait Wednesday


Can't-Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted at Wishful Endings, to spotlight and discuss the books we're excited about that we have yet to read. It's based on Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by the fabulous Jill at Breaking the Spine.


In New York Times bestselling author Danielle Paige's wickedly fresh take on beloved tales, the fairy godmothers make the rules. Be careful what you wish for . . .

Two magical sisters. One more chance at revenge. . . .

Ever since Cinderella disappeared with Prince Mather the queendoms have been in disarray. Now with her magical power completely unchecked, Galatea intends to exact revenge on humans for using the Entente. Her plan? Send Bari off to find a new prince and take over one queendom at a time. But Bari's mission is complicated when South joins her and sparks begin to fly . . .

Meanwhile, Farrow is on her own journey to reunite with Cinderella and Prince Mather in the first Queendom. Amid brewing conflict, Farrow grapples with her feelings for Mather, her friendship with Cinderella, and her loyalty to the Entente's original purpose--to influence with helpful magic, never take total control.

Once as close as sisters, Bari and Farrow now find themselves on opposing sides. Will malice win out, or will the next generation of Entente chart a new path to "happily ever after" for their magical coven of fairy godmothers?

I still need to get the first book of this series. I had ordered a signed copy but that got canceled for unknown reasons and I just never got around to buying a copy. So with the sequel coming out, I'm wondering if I ought to do that soon! Lol.

TITLE: Spell of the Sinister
AUTHOR: Danielle Paige

PUBLISHER: Bloomsbury
GENRE: YA Fantasy
RELEASE DATE: October 29, 2024



Orphaned at a young age, Samara is left under the care of her three, horrible brothers. Just when she thinks she cannot take another day of their abuse, a handsome prince offers for her hand in marriage.

Samara’s brothers agree in exchange for a large dowery but on her way to her new kingdom, her carriage is ambushed by Lore, the wicked Prince of Nightshade.

Samara believes that the fae has snatched away her chance at freedom to punish her for her crimes against his kind but punishment is only half of Lore’s plan.

The truth is that the Elven Prince has pined after Samara for seven long years. She is all he can think about—a toxin in his blood. Can the Prince of Nightshade, whose power over poisons rivals none in The Enchanted Forest, manage to find a remedy or will he succumb to her love?


Another series I need to start. And I know, I know, you're probably telling me this is out in ebook format. It is. But I am waiting on the physical book! Lol. The covers are so pretty and the illustrations inside that I can't have an ebook of this particular series! So here I am...waiting. Lol.


TITLE: Apples Dipped in Gold
AUTHOR: Scarlett St. Clair

PUBLISHER: Bloom Books
GENRE: NA Fairy Tales
RELEASE DATE: October 29, 2024





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