Sep 23, 2024

Let's Discuss: Event Mode Reading


So I find myself in what I call "event mode" reading! Wherein events are coming up and I am finally reading certain books from authors I may have had sitting in the TBR pile for too long and it's just a wonderful thing in my opinion!

Event Mode Reading

I have sooo many TBR books in my "pile." All are books I want to read and still want to read, even if they have been sitting for a few too many years. I can only read so fast and I still haven't found the secret to giving up sleep entirely and being a healthy and functional human being! The nights where I get like 5 or 6 hours of sleep because I can't get my brain to shutdown are dreadful the next morning! Lol. So yes, TBR books can pile up over the years and get seemingly "ignored" for sometime.

But then magical things book tours or other events! When I get into my "event mode" reading I dive back into the TBR pile and try to find all the books that need reading and then determine if I can read them all before the event (which I plan this as soon as I determine I am going which is pretty much when the authors post said tour and I acquire my ticket if needed to be official!

So awhile back Delilah S. Dawson and Kevin Hearne announced a mini tour of theirs and it was still awhile until tickets were sold but as soon as I got that bought, I dove into my TBR pile for their books. I actually might have been working through other needed books when the tour was announced, hence the reason why I just didn't start then and there.

Unfortunately, I've come to the conclusion that it's just not possible for me to read ALL the books needed beforehand, there were just too many series I didn't get around to finishing and starting and then there were standalones involved and it's a nightmare! Lol. I did finish up one series though so I feel like I did my best! 

The reason why I find myself needing to skip the next standalone or two is because there's ANOTHER event I am trying to prep for that's coming up the week after this event and I thought I ought to read the first book of that trilogy at least! Because as you might have noticed I am going for the Caraval re-read after all. At least for the moment! Lol.

But yes, my event mode planning usually has me trying to read books in advance if I feel like I can swing it. There are times I know I can't but I'll try to read at least 1 book to get somewhat up to date, because I know my reading speed and every once in awhile these events spring up with only a few weeks' notice so sometimes I don't have enough time to shift my reading queue.

What about you? Do you get into "event mode" reading when you know you plan to attend an author event?

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