Sep 22, 2024

Stacking the Shelves


Stacking the Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts, and of course ebooks! The meme is now hosted by Reading Reality.

Survived another week! Work is definitely picking up into its crazy season. It's pretty manageable with my team though. We work well together in covering the load, so it's not super stressful! The week was pretty mundane for the most part. Until Thursday of course! Then I went to an author signing and met Jenna Levine and it was another fun, if late night! I always have fun at the events but man coming home and trying to just go to bed afterwards to wake up early the next day is HARD! Lol. I've never been someone who can just go to sleep, it takes me ages! So when I get into the first two weeks of October, expect a very sleepy and not 100% coherent Jessica. I may mistype something or not articulate myself correctly. Apologies in advance, but I still have 1 week of comprehension until then! Lol. The biggest surprise of the week was when my B&N preorders showed up only 1 day late! I mean, I'd still rather get them on the day I get that email when they tell me "tomorrow is the day!" But 24 hours after THE DAY is better than 96 or so, which is what it was last time.

Here's what I got this week:

Guillotine by Delilah S. Dawson--the book that should've arrived last week but didn't due to a mail carrier who didn't want to get out of the car...and they normally do as they keep driving up our driveway to drop off our packages, i.e. my books.
A Promise of Peridot by Kate Golden--I had the first book on my TBR pile but then I just learned Kate is coming to St. Louis in October so I thought I'd pick this one up now as I intend to read the first book at least before the event!
Seasons of Flesh and Flame by A.G.Howard
The Heart of the World by Amie Kaufman
Ink & Sigil by Kevin Hearne
The Lies We Conjure by Sarah Henning
My Vampire Plus-One by Jenna Levine--SIGNED!

And that was it for me this week! Not too shabby of a week all things considered and I am hoping my next order from Amazon comes in on time as I need the books within for a signing the following week! It's going to be a crazy couple of hauls these next few weeks and I am all for it! Lol. 

What did you get this week?

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