Jan 12, 2011

Cover Art--Jenna Black

Saw Jenna Black's cover for Sirensong this morning and had to share it here as well. I love it! The white is in stark contrast to the other covers we've had before. Dark purple and shades of blue. And I still like the shimmery dots that speckle the cover. And seeing Dana's face, like my friend Cem said, is cool too. We've seen most of her face before, but here we get more of it to put a better face on the character!

I still have to read Shadowspell it's in my TBR pile and I plan to do that early next week. Reading a book now, then I have an ARC to read and then Shadowfever comes out Tuesday so that takes over first because of the MASSIVE cliffhanger. But after that I will read Shadowspell!!

Anyway, Sirensong is scheduled to release July 5, 2011, which means the longer I put off reading Shadowspell the shorter the way til Sirensong. But really, I will read it next week and the wait will still be agonizing!