I was recently contacted by Melissa from BuildASign.com to do a product review for some of their products. Particularly their bumper stickers. While the website had lots of other functional signs to offer, I figured Bumper Stickers were a pretty good idea to help with promoting my blog, so I accepted her offer.
Since I'm your regular run of the mill blogger, I don't have my own designs or anything. I use Blogger templates, so I made 3 simple designed bumper stickers to match the colors of my blog. I even got some bumper magnets that turned out fantastic as well.
I particularly like how the one in the upper left corner turned out. I had a saved image of a writing notebook and I played around with the text and colors finding the right balance so that it matched my blog. And I love fleur de lis like design on the upper right one as well. And then the bottom one just looked really nice with my blog colors as well.
I think they are totally awesome. The magnets are of really good quality, nice and durable too. And the bumper stickers are great as well! I have quite a few of them, that in the future when I'm doing giveaways I'll be having them in there as well!
So if you're looking to promote your blog or another kind of website/business check out BuildASign.com and all the other products they offer!