Jan 4, 2011

Review--Ghouls Ghouls Ghouls by Victoria Laurie


When M.J. and the crew of her cable TV show, Ghoul Getters, venture to the haunted ruins of Dunlow Castle in Ireland, they hope that the road will rise up to meet them, that the wind will always be at their backs, that the sun will warm upon their faces...and that the resident phantom won't push them off a cliff.

That is what has befallen others drawn to the castle by the legend of hidden treasure. Dunlow Castle has more spooks that turrets--including the long-dead lord in all his ghostly greediness--but they pale in comparison to the phantom. If M.J. and her fellow ghost busters treasure their lives, they need to get the drop on the menacing phantom--before they plunge headfirst into one cliffhanger of an ending...

I did it again! I devoured Victoria Laurie's latest Ghost Hunter mystery, Ghouls Ghouls Ghouls, in 1 day!! It's amazing how fast a read it can be, even at 336 pages! But for some reason her Ghost Hunter mysteries are just super fast fun reads for me!! And Ghouls Ghouls Ghouls was just as wonderful as the previous books in the series!

This time M.J. and her crew, minus Steven now since the events of Ghouls Gone Wild, find themselves in Ireland to go to a very haunted island where treasure is buried and many have died trying to get it, literally. Something evil haunts the place, so of course, Gopher, as he is know to M.J., insists on taking the team there to investigate for their upcoming show. But things take a turn for the worse.

I mean the team is stranded on an island...for to get to the castle you must cross a channel at low tide which only happens for 2 hours twice a day, otherwise you are trapped on whichever side you remain on. Let's just say that M.J. and her team don't get trapped on the right side, which is obvious! And they are stuck in a truly haunted castle filled with spirits, dead bodies, and one nasty phantom set to kill. But the fun really starts when one of them goes missing...

And so the mystery truly begins as M.J. and her remaining teammates must find their missing comrade, but things get increasingly worse in so many ways! And the mystery to rescuing their teammate will require more work than M.J. thought possible by digging into the past and contacting the one person who can help them, if they are willing to return to the dreaded island.

I love Laurie's mysteries! They are fun quick reads, but still hold ample amount of mystery, suspense and chilling moments. And there is still always a bad guy who isn't dead that must be uncovered. So there's lots of tension to the mystery as well, especially when a timeline for the safe return of her comrade is set. And there was even a bit of romance involved as well!

And I have to say that I just love Gilley! He is so damn funny! And he doesn't even really try, it's just his normal behavior! Even though he scares easily, and is rightly justified at times, he still cracks me up!

So can't wait for the next one, Ghouls Interrupted, not sure when it releases as of yet, but will post once I know!

Overall this one gets 5/5 stars! Of course it's because I truly love the series and know that it might not be for everyone. But as I said Laurie's mystery series, both of them, are fun quick reads with a good mystery and a well blended mix of supernatural to be very thrilling!