Jan 11, 2011

New Series by Rachel Vincent

The other day on her blog Rachel Vincent had released some info about her brand NEW series for adults that releases later this year! I'm telling you, I sooo cannot wait for 2012. For I plan to go back to RT that year as well. So excited and it's only January 11, 2011. Sad? A little! :)

Anyway she doesn't give massive details, because yeah, it's early and she can only tell us so much anyway without giving away the entire story! But she does give out some pretty decent info so we have an inkling of what the story's about. Not a full BOC description, but enough details to make me wish it was almost September already!

First here is the post where she talks about the series in bits of info.

Then here is a post she did earlier today that answers some FAQ that she was able to answer!

Enjoy! And let the torturous wait begin!