Hey all! Did you hear? Twinkies are back!!
I was browsing the Wal-Mart ad on Sunday and noticed them on the front page!
While I don't eat them anymore since they are a "tad" unhealthy, I was kind of surprised, but not really, to see them back!
Although, I heard from someone else, that now these Twinkies are going to have a longer shelf life. Makes you wonder how many preservatives and junk they are packing into these things!
While not nearly as delicious, I tend to eat the Weight Watchers "Golden Sponge Cake with Cream Filling!"
I am not on the Weight Watches diet, just the try to eat healthy with occasional unhealthy binge here and there...kind of diet! These are good though and are a healthier alternative to the Twinkie with a similar taste! Although, like with anything, they do require getting use to! So don't eat a real Twinkie followed by one of these!