Stacking The Shelves is all about the books we are adding to our shelves each week, sharing with you our excitement for our newest titles and maybe have you discover a new book in the process!
Had me a pretty good week! Didn't add to much to the TBR pile, just bought a few keeper copies, won a previously read book signed and added just 1 book and novella to the TBR mountain!!
Books I read already but needed my own keeper copies since the review ones were digital were:
Awaken by Meg Cabot
Vicious Moon by Lee Roland
Then I won a Supernatural Solstice giveaway at Tynga's Reviews and got a SIGNED copy of:
The Keep by Veronica Wolff*
*I already read this one, but SIGNED copies are always appreciated and loved and treasured!!
Thanks Tynga's Review and Veronica!!
Then I bought:
Fifth Grave Past the Light by Darynda Jones
The Dark Discovery of Jack Dandy by Kady Cross*
*This is a novella that takes place before The Girl with the Iron Touch! It was a nice quick little read that I read already! My review will be up shortly!
And that was what I got this week! What did you get?