1 - Write a post listing your TOP 5 choices within the theme I chose (or was chosen on a poll) for the week.
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This week's topic is: Favorite Fictional BFFs!
*in no particular order
Ghost Hunter Mystery Series by Victoria Laurie
While Gillie might not be the bravest person to aid you in a ghost hunt, he still has his moments where he truly shines as being a great friend to MJ! Love him as he always makes me laugh, even when he's not even trying!
Study Trilogy by Maria V. Snyder
I HEART Janco!! He is the freaking greatest character ever!! He's a truly devoted to friend to all those he considers his friends. He brings about a lot of humor that I just love! He's caring and kind...totally what you would want in a friend!
Parasol Protectorate Series by Gail Carriger
Ivy is definitely one of those friends who's good to have around to help keep things light! She wasn't very involved in Alexia's paranormal side of life, but she was still a good friend! Plus her crazy hats were always worth a laugh, even if she thought they were the height of fashion!
Steampunk Chronicles by Kady Cross
Jack's definitely a complicated friend for Finley. At first, it was possible for a romantic love interest, but it seems friendship is more ideal. He's very cunning and I love his accent and just overall demeanor! True, he enjoys ticking Griffin off a bit too much, but he's a fun guy to be around!
The Iron Fey Series by Julie Kagawa
Puck was definitely a great friend all around!! He was good to Meghan and even good to Ash--even with a few bumps in the road! He's always good for a laugh and having your back when things start to get dangerous!