Jul 16, 2013

Review--Fifth Grave Past the Light by Darynda Jones

Charley Davidson isn't your everyday, run-of-the-mill grim reaper. She's more of a paranormal private eye/grim reaper extraordinaire. However, she gets sidetracked when the sexy, sultry son of Satan, Reyes Farrow, moves in next door. To further complicate matters, Reyes is her main suspect in an arson case. Charley has vowed to stay away from him until she can find out the truth...but the dead women start appearing in her apartment, one after another, each lost, confused, and terrified beyond reason. When it becomes clear that her own sister, Gemma, is the serial killer's next target, Charley has no choice but to ask for Reyes's help. Arsonist or not, he's the one man alive who could protect Gemma no matter who or what came at her. But he wants something in return. Charley. All of her, body and soul. And to keep her sister safe, it is a price she is willing to pay.

Charley Davidson is at it again in the sexy suspenseful, and laugh-out-loud funny fifth installment of the New York Times bestselling series.

Darynda Jones's Fifth Grave Past the Light was a one-day read because it was just that fan-flippin-tastic! I only postponed my review til today because I wanted to have some teasers from this one! I just have to say that each and every Charley Davidson book gets better and better! Charley is definitely one of those few heroines who can make you laugh out loud on nearly every page!

With Reyes being her new neighbor, Charley is already expecting life to get a little more...just more! Things are definitely interesting and intimate between her and Reyes and it never ceases to amaze me. The bonds of their relationship are tricky at best, yet there's definitely a connection between the two that always makes me swoon! Reyes can be downright friggin scary in his own right, being the son of Satan and all, but there are moments that he can totally make you swoon. Like when he stands there breathing!! Sorry! It's hard to refrain from channeling some Charley-humor when talking about this series!

Charley's got some case on her plate. Trying to figure out why there's a good 27 dead women in her apartment, varying in age, but having some similar features...even if a few of those features are fake. She has quite the troubles in solving this one, but when her main suspect becomes a love interest for her sister, Charley is ready to act and fast! But that's not the only thing keeping Charley busy--besides Reyes, sigh--she is also still trying to figure out who the city's arsonist is. The one who is burning down every place Reyes ever lived in. Charley's main suspect is Reyes of course, but she really doesn't want it to be him since he just got out of prison for a crime he didn't commit.

Through the help of her friend Swopes, the man who went to hell and came back, she learns a few more things about herself, Reyes and just other strange things that connect them. It's hard to get into without revealing spoilers, but let's just say there's a definite shock factor and possible plot ideas for future books! I don't think Darynda is dropping these details for nothing now!

There was quite a bit of enjoyable romance between Reyes and Charley in this one. They still have a few bumps and whatnot they have to overcome with one another, but for the most part, things are going good between the two. The love Reyes has for Charley always gives me the shivers, because it is just so deep. He's definitely an alpha male type of guy, but he sort of softens around Charley and I always looooove seeing that in my alpha males! Of course, he does have to put up some sort of fight to remain tough and scary so Charley doesn't know that she has him wrapped around her little finger! *Of course these are just my musings and speculations! 

But yes, there's definitely some hot romance between these two! And I look forward especially to seeing where their relationship will go next!

The ending was fabulous, just when we think the case is solved, more trouble finds Charley in the worst way. But with book 6 coming out sometime next year, we can safely assume she gets out okay. I mean there wouldn't be a series if she wasn't! But the ending-ending, like the last 2-3 pages, was jaw-dropping!! The shocks and surprises are non-stop and I soooooo cannot wait til Sixth Grave on the Edge comes out next year--hopefully early next year!!

Charley Davidson is one of those heroines you just have to love because she is so real and down to earth...and downright hilarious! If you haven't checked this series out, I highly recommend it! Think of it as a paranormal mystery series, heavy on the humor!

Overall Rating 5/5 stars