Jul 16, 2013

Teaser & Top Ten Tuesdays

Here are the rules:
1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a page
3. Pick out 2 lines that are SPOILER FREE
4. Name the title, author, etc.

Hey all! Reading the latest Charley Davidson book and loving it! It's freaking awesome! If you've read one Charley book then you know she is hilarious and it's nearly impossible to choose just one teaser! I am shocked with myself for stopping at 3! Yay me!

"It was books. It was television shows and movies. They had desensitized the world. Damn writers." p 94

"...I quickly learned that when she started drawing infinity symbols, she was secretly in love. I couldn't believe she still did that. She was like thirty or something. Who did crap like that? I nonchalantly covered the letters R-E-Y-E-S I'd drawn on my knuckles." p 163

"He lowered his head as though embarrassed. Reyes Farrow embarrassed? Unfathomable." p 337

TITLE: Fifth Grave Past the Light
AUTHOR: Darynda Jones

PUBLISHER: St. Martin's Press
GENRE: Paranormal Mystery
RELEASE DATE: July 9, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

Each week we will post a new Top Ten list  that one of our bloggers here at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists! If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Have fun with it! It's a fun way to get to know your fellow bloggers.

This week's topic is: Top Ten Authors Who Deserve More Recognition (Topic originally done March 2011)
*in no particular order

**This is kind of hard because to me these authors are widely recognized in my world! So I chose faves that I don't tend to hear much about from other bloggers or "the world" in general, even though a few of them made NYT and USA bestselling lists that I am aware of.


Since the third book in her Gone with Respiration series has yet to be named or released, I feel like putting her here is a good place! Her YA dystopian zombie series is pretty freaking awesome! Let's you see zombies in a different light!


Even though she's on the NYT bestselling list for her Psychic Mystery series shown here, I don't see her on too many other bloggers' blogs. Her other series is the Ghost Hunter Mystery series. Both are paranormal mysteries, while her Psychic Eye tends to be paranormal in a low key way with the heroine as a bona fide psychic! Her other series has a stronger paranormal element with ghosts! I loooove both series though!


Erin's pretty popular I think...but then again, I don't see her books at too many blogs. But I looooove them! They are the best kind of dark fantasy reads!


Probably more known by her Alex Craft series, but I kind of fell in love with her Novels of Haven first when I received them for review a long time ago! They were delightful reads and I am still eagerly awaiting the third one!


Unfortunately, Jeannie's Alexandra Sabian series was one that only lasted two books. I really enjoyed them and found them to be very exciting reads! Hoping to see more from Jeannie in the future though!


Wendy had a really awesome paranormal mystery series that only last three books. But I did notice that she had 2 new ones in ebook format. I think she self-published them. I still need to get to her latest two and hopefully have my memory refreshed within them since I haven't read her series in way too long! But hers were awesome because any mystery with strong paranormal elements is one that I tend to enjoy!


AKA Laura Bickle. I enjoyed her Oracle series that were a sort of paranormal mystery series. There was always a mystery of some sort to solve. The main character was a criminal profiler but also has an intuitive skill with Tarot cards that ended up playing a hand in her solving the mystery. There were only 2 books in this series, but I always hoped for more!


No picture to be found

So many many moons ago, I read this book as an ARC that one of my blogging pals sent me. I enjoyed it pretty well! It was an interesting werewolf love story, although my memory of it is pretty poor now! According to Goodreads, the long awaited sequel is to release January 7th! I am hoping that it does!


Having read Karen's Tales of an Urban Werewolf wayyyy too long ago, I can't remember the whole story of them! I do know that they were pretty enjoyable! She had a different way of looking at being a werewolf and all the inconveniences. Sophie was an enjoyable heroine and I was sad to see her series go!


Juliet is another of those authors who are pretty popular in my book, she has 2 series after all! But she's not really one I see too often in blogging. Which again comes to other reader's tastes. Her series are paranormal mysteries, but both are delightful reads!! One, shown here, is her Witchcraft Mysteries where her heroine is a witch and there's usually some magic related mystery to solve. Her other series, Haunted Home Renovation are ones with ghosts and a home renovator which tends to be more murder mystery sometimes!