This meme is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addict!
This week's question is: How do you keep track of books you will be reviewing or reading? (submitted by Elizabeth @ Silver's Reviews)
MY ANSWER: For books that I receive for review, I set them in their own pile (should they be physical) or mental pile for eARCs. Those I usually give priority over my own TBR books.
When it comes to my TBR books and what I read by my own choice...well that's a bit more chaotic! Lol. TBR books are not organized, sadly. I've been trying to keep series together at least, but there's usually at least one book that's off on its own somewhere in another pile then its mates. When it comes to deciding what I want to read when I have no review books, it's purely by my own whims! Lately, I've been trying to finish off series I've left hanging for too long. I've set aside maybe 6 or so series that are either 1 or 2 books from being finished that I plan to focus on for as long as I can...aka until a review book or new release comes into my hands that I've been dying to read! Lol.