Jun 23, 2020

Teaser & Top Ten Tuesdays

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Purple Princess of The Purple Booker

Here are the rules:

1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a page
3. Pick out 2 lines that are SPOILER FREE
4. Name the title, author, etc.

Yup, another teaser from Rage and Ruin! Sadly, I didn't get to read this one much last week, so I'm still reading it now.

"My gaze flickered over him. There were dark smudges splattered along the tattered remains of his shirt.

Blood. Warden's blood." p. 281


TITLE: Rage and Ruin
AUTHOR: Jennifer L. Armentrout

PUBLISHER: Inkyard Press
GENRE: YA Paranormal
RELEASE DATE: June 9, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

This week's topic is: TTT 10th Anniversary! Top Ten Books By My Favorite Author that I Still Haven't Read (9/25/18)

*I was pleased to find that I read a good amount of what was in my original post. I had 3 that were still there and 1 was a series I still need to read more of, but I read the initial one mentioned in 2018!
**in no particular order

The Re-Runs--aka ones that were in the original post

10. THE RETURN by Jennifer L. Armentrout--yes I still need to read this series. Hopefully sometime soon now that I won't be in an office with more males than females. Still feel like I need a hideacover for this size though. Lol.
9. IT TAKES ONE by Kate Kessler--another series I still need to start! I loved Kady's books in the YA area, I have a few other of her adult books in my TBR still too. 
8. THE SHADOW by Marianne Curley--this is a series I will need to re-read before I can read this new installment. Still excited to do so!

7. THE REAPER RESCUES THE GENIE by Kristen Painter--I had the previous installment in the series on my last time around, so now I need to read this one! And get caught up with the rest of the series too! There's currently 11 books with book 12 coming out this year, this is book #9.

The New Picks:

6. FROM BLOOD AND ASH by Jennifer L. Armentrout--finally got my physical copy, now I just need to get in the queue!
5. HOUSE OF EARTH AND BLOOD by Sarah J. Maas--perhaps when I can take an actual staycation that didn't involve constantly caring for my mom's dogs, I might work this one in!
4. RENEGADES by Marissa Meyer--it started as a duology I planned to binge, then turned trilogy and thought might as well wait. Now I've just run out of excuses! Lol.

3. WATCHER IN THE WOODS by Kelley Armstrong--I love Kelley's books, I'm not sure how I fell behind again.
2. LAIR OF DREAMS by Libba Bray--I think the size of this one always intimidated me. This is a series of big books...and I've had this one since I started my last job way too long ago! Eek!
1. ARCHANGEL'S SHADOWS by Nalini Singh--another series I realllllly loved and I fell behind again...somehow!