Jun 9, 2020

Teaser & Top Ten Tuesdays

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Purple Princess of The Purple Booker

Here are the rules:

1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a page
3. Pick out 2 lines that are SPOILER FREE
4. Name the title, author, etc.

"I stood in the darkened heliosphere before the sprawling windows and I swore on the Living Cosmos, on my very soul, that I would Tyrus down.

Then I would kill him." Kindle loc. 32%*

*This quote comes from the eARC, therefore it and its location are not final.

TITLE: The Nemesis
AUTHOR: S.J. Kincaid
PUBLISHER: Simon Schuster Books for Young Readers
RELEASE DATE: August 25, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

This week's topic is: Top Ten Books I’ve Added to my TBR and Forgotten Why (stolen from Louise @ Foxes & Fairy Tales)

*in no particular order
**I still want to read these books I listed, but as the topic says, I kind of forgot why I put them on my wishlist or TBR pile! Lol!


10. FATE'S FABLES by T. Rae Mitchell--something fairy tale related...still deeply curious!
9. ESCAPING NEVERLAND by Melissa Lemon--a Peter Pan retelling, naturally!
8. THE DEAD GIRLS CLUB by Damien Angelica Walters--this was a thriller that sounded intriguing!

7. IN THE SHADOWS by Jill Nolan--this one sounded cool! Though...I'm struggling to remember if I have it or not. Goodreads says yes...but my notes said no. So I need to check my kindle...eventually. Lol.


6. SAVOR by Megan Duncan--vampires! So there's the reason..lol
5. THE CERULEAN by Amy Ewing--I got this one in a trade awhile back...still haven't read it or what made me want to read it. Lol.
4. DANGER'S HALO by Amanda Carlson--I guess I didn't start her new series which is now old.

3. VASSA IN THE NIGHT by Sarah Porter--I can't remember why I got this one. I think it was fairy tale related...but I can't be sure!
2. BOUND BY BLOOD AND SAND by Becky Allen--all I can remember about this one was a review that lead me to need it in my TBR pile!
1. HEIR TO THE SKY by Amanda Sun--I think this one came from a trade...or maybe a convention? I can't remember. It sounded interesting, so I thought why not?