Feb 20, 2012

ARC Review--A Sliver of Shadow by Allison Pang

Just when her new life as a TouchStone – a mortal bound to help OtherFolk cross between Faery and human worlds – seems to be settling down, Abby Sinclair is left in charge when the Protectorate, Moira, leaves for the Faery Court. And when the Protectorate’s away…let’s just say things spiral out of control when a spell on Abby backfires and the Faery Queen declares the Doors between their worlds officially closed.

The results are disastrous for both sides: OtherFolk trapped in the mortal world are beginning to fade, while Faerie is on the brink of war with the daemons of Hell. Along with her brooding eleven prince Talivar and sexy incubus Brystion, Abby ventures to the CrossRoads in an attempt to override the Queen’s magic. But nothing in this beautiful, dangerous realm will compare to the discoveries she’s making about her past, her destiny, and what she will sacrifice for those she loves.

I received this e-ARC through Bewitching Blog Tours

Allison Pang's A Sliver of Shadow was a really engaging read! I'll admit, it's been wayyyy too long since I've read the first book, so I couldn't remember much. Lots of details were fuzzy, so I was trudging through the first few chapters which was sort of the aftermath of the first book--albeit it was a few months later, but still the events that took place weighed heavily on Abby.

Moira is still in Faery dealing with the aftermath of things there as well, Maurice is being held prisoner and there are other troubles stirring. Abby has a lot on her plate, Talivar has been rooming with her to keep her safe and she's also watching her friend's baby while she's away, and the baby is one of the fae so it makes babysitting far more interesting.

But there are more pressing matters at hand, the doors between Faery and the human world have been closed. And that isn't good for anyone, so Abby soon finds herself venturing to the otherside to try to solve the problem. But Faery is on the brink of an upcoming battle, the queen is ill, and to top it off Abby has to deal with the vying affections of both Talivar and a certain incubus. And it's a major problem since she has feelings for both of them.

A lot happens in the book, it's pretty much action packed. And Abby gets deeper and deeper into the Fae world and makes some startling revelations. With all the seriousness of the situation, it's a good thing Abby has Phineas at her side to lighten the mood! That unicorn cracks me up! He's definitely not what you would expect from a unicorn!

It's up to Abby and her friends to save the world, both worlds. But she's going to have make sacrifices in order to get things to be even remotely calm.

I really do enjoy this world Pang created, although I have to admit at times I was kinda spacing out. Maybe it was partially due to reading on my computer screen. Some of the descriptions were a little lengthy at times as well. I just felt like there was a little too much focus on this and that instead of getting a move on, but it was sort of sporadic moments, mostly in the beginning. It didn't overly detract from my enjoyment but it was touch and go like I said. The ending was pretty spectacular as well, but I won't get into that!

Overall rating 4/5 stars

A Sliver of Shadow releases February 28, 2012