Feb 11, 2012

In case you haven't heard...

Richelle Mead is going to have a BRAND NEW Adult series! She won't just be a YA author, since both her adult series have come to an end! (sob!)

Here's the deets from her blog:

February 9, 2012
Fiction: Paranormal
NYT bestselling author Richelle Mead's GAMEBOARD OF THE GODS, the first novel in her new adult paranormal series, Age of X, featuring an unlikely pair charged with investigating mystical phenomena in a futuristic world that was nearly destroyed by religious extremists, to Brian Tart at Dutton, with Jessica Horvath editing, in a two-book deal, by Jim McCarthy at Dystel & Goderich Literary Management (world).

Different as it sounds, I do look forward to it! When a fave author of mine has something new out I'm almost always likely to try it out!

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