Hey all, did you hear that Karen Marie Moning is creating a Tarot deck that is inspired by the Fever series?! I got the message this morning--then had to work--but once I got home I immediately ordered a deck! It just sounds incredible!
Here's the details taken from her blog. If you're interested the cards are available for preorder, US only I'm afraid, she's says that they should come in towards the end of Feb/Early March. The cards are $37, with shipping. So they're a little pricey, but she expects them to go quick. So order up!
"The FEVER Tarot Deck by Karen Marie Moning & Mia Suarez
Now available for pre-order!
"Several years ago, Mia Suarez showed me three tarot cards inspired by the FEVER series that she was working on for a wallpaper. I was impressed by the haunting beauty of the cards, so I asked if, instead of doing a wallpaper, she would take on a much more massive task and design an entire deck based on my FEVER World. What she didn’t know at the time was that a tarot deck played a significant part in Shadowfever. During the course of her work, I fed her bits of scenes and she showed me the cards as she went along, creating a feedback loop of inspiration that was pure joy. She was uncannily prescient, as if she and I were trolling the collective unconsciousness in tandem, selecting the same artistic tools, themes and motifs. It was an exhilarating collaboration, and the end result is stunning. Mia created a tarot deck that exceeded my hopes and expectations.
It was a much longer process to get the FEVER Tarot deck made into the kind of quality offering I wanted, and I'm thrilled to finally be able to make this gorgeous set available. The cards are 4 x 6, printed on professional stock, packaged and sealed inside a beautiful box that features one of my favorite cards from the deck.
We are currently accepting pre-orders. The cards are in the process of being shipped from the printer and are estimated to arrive by the end of February/early March. KMM Admin will be packaging and shipping the tarot cards, so the FEVER Tarot Deck will only be available for a limited time.
Several of the cards are directly referenced in Shadowfever and all of them were created during the writing of the FEVER series. There are bits and pieces of the story in virtually every one, from a scene out of a Dark Zone, with an abandoned baby carriage and Shade husks blowing down the deserted street to the scene I call After the Rape, to Mac flying K’vruck through the sky over Dublin, and on and on…
It’s a powerful set sprung from a creative collision between Mia and I, born of a rare and wonderfully synergistic meeting of the minds and hearts. We hope you feel all that was poured into it.
Hope strengthens. Fear kills.
Stay to the Lights!"
Click here to order