Stacking The Shelves is all about the books we are adding to our shelves each week, sharing with you our excitement for our newest titles and maybe have you discover a new book in the process!
Well, it was a slow week for books. Didn't really get any new ones, just some keeper copies to replace my ARCs and one that was an e-arc I got a real copy as well!
Awake at Dawn by C.C. Hunter
Whispers at Moonrise by C.C. Hunter
Deep Betrayal by Anne Greenwood Brown
Then in a contest I won at Books of Love, I got:
a SIGNED copy of Falling Kingdoms!
Thanks, Grace!!
Then I also got this signed bookplate from Aimee Carter from when I bought her latest book:
Almost forgot this one! I decided instead of having two DVD stands that I would remove those from my room and replace it with one of these instead:
A nice narrow bookcase! The measurements will work width wise and I thought this will at least give me a little more room for books! Movies might have to be shoved somewhere else in my room, off the racks obviously!
Oh and while not book related, but totally Disney, I FINALLY got myself a copy of Mulan!! Been wanting this on DVD for awhile and now I do believe I have all my favorite Disney movies on DVD or Blueray!
Mulan and Mulan II Blueray Combo Pack
Yay! So not many new books, but still a LOT of awesome stuff! And that was my mailbox this week! What did you get?