This was yet another hectic week at work. I honestly don't know if or when it will ever calm down! We're so short handed it's insane! I didn't even get too many books this week, not sure how to feel about that. Lol.
Here's what I got:
Kingdom of the Blazing Phoenix by Julie C. Dao--SIGNED! This was the book I had been waiting for and went wayward! Not sure what happened to that one, but luckily the people at Phoenix Books were a huge help and ended up replacing that copy with another!
AND I even got the gorgeous map that was drawn by Marisa Hopkins!
Other goodies from this week was part 1 of my Cyber Monday haul:
Once Upon a Time Season 7
The Death Cure
Thor Ragnarok
Liar Liar
Antman and the Wasp
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
Then I picked up this little guy for my Christmas decorations:
Groot--Christmas Tree style!
And then it was time for an upgrade with the family:
The new iPhone 10s! I like it so far, but some of the features are taking awhile to get used to! Lol! I had a 6s before this, so size wise it's not too different, though the screen is bigger, but some of the other little bits are totally different and it's tripping me up! Lol.
And that was my haul this week! Still eagerly waiting for a few more Cyber Monday purchases, one that I believe will be the final piece for my TBTBSanta, so hoping that comes soon so I can mail the box earlier than intended! What did you all get this week?