Dec 24, 2018

Winter is Coming Book Tag

I saw this tag last week at As told By Tina and thought it looked like fun! She initially saw it on Katherine Barka's Youtube channel, which is where it originated!

Snow: It is beautiful when it first falls, but then it starts to melt. A book/book series that you loved at the beginning, but then, at the middle of it, you realized you don't like it any longer. 

 I LOOOVED Amelia Atwater-Rhodes' Hawksong! It was a start to a new series of hers and I was a fan of her earlier vampire stories so I was ready to tackle shapeshifters! The first two books were amazing, the third one was okay but years later, when I finally decided to give the rest of the series a try, I was incredibly disappointed. And I guess it was because the original characters from the first few books were no longer involved. I have a hard time getting into a series where the characters are constantly changing, and not in the sense that you get a previously met character's story, but completely NEW characters each and every time!

Slowflake: Something beautiful and always different. Choose a book that stands out, that is different from all the other books you've read.

 I was always a reader! I loved reading stories. Then Illuminae came out and though I didn't gravitate towards it right away, I did eventually and whoa! Just whoa! It was so different from the usual style of books I had read before and I wasn't sure that the format could work to tell a story. Well, it wasn't long before I learned how wrong I was! Lol!

Snowman: It is always fun to make one with your family. Choose a book that a whole family could read. 

I tried not to pick the obvious one, but honestly? It's obvious because of how perfectly true it is! Harry Potter fits this category so well! True, perhaps not all family members will enjoy it. I don't think my mom was ever one to get into it, but my sister and I both loved it! And I am hoping my niece will soon too!

Christmas: Choose a book that is full of happiness, that made you warm inside after reading it

Just about any The Beauty and the Beast retelling will give me that warm and fuzzy feeling! A Curse so Dark and Lonely was definitely one of those! I am excited to see where this series will go in the future!

Santa Claus: He brings wonderful presents. Choose a book that you'd like to get for Christmas

Well, I still need to open my Secret Santa gifts, which might be happening tomorrow, because I honestly don't think I can wait much longer! It's very weird that I have waited this long already! I've had them for a week! So kudos to me! LOL! Meddling Kids is one I am hoping is in there as it's one I still can't believe I didn't pick up as soon as I learned what it was about! It's basically a Scooby Doo-esque story but not with the original Mystery Inc!

Snow bowling: It can be painful to be hit by a snowball. Choose a book that hurt, that made you feel some strong emotion, like sadness, or anger.  

While I will love Nocturne to the end of time, I was still emotionally crushed by its ending! I recently heard that Syrie wanted to write a sequel to it, but as it's been almost 8 years already since it released, I am having doubts. It's a beautiful love story really and at the time I understood the ending, but I will always hope for that sequel! (Though I kind of wish I never heard about said possible sequel now! Lol.)

Sledding: We all loved it when we were younger. Choose a book that you loved when you were a child. 

I seriously remember checking The Random House Book of Fairy Tales out of my school library so many times! At least twice, if not more, a month! It's the book I read that started showing me some of the fairy tales in their original format. Not entirely when it came to Grimm, but I am pretty sure that the Snow White one in here was exceedingly close to its original format, if not entirely!

Frostbite: Choose a book that you were really disappointed in.

Sadly, The Fade wasn't all I had hoped it would be. In some ways, I felt like was a tad cliche too. That it was too typical for some of the events to happen.

Reindeer: Something that is dear to us. Choose a book that is of great sentimental value to you.  

Demon in my View will always be the book that ignited my reading habit! It showed me how cool vampires can be and spawned my love for them! While it may not hold up to par with books nowadays, it will always hold a very special place in my heart!!

1 comment:

  1. Illuminae is PERFECT as the Snowflake! And you've made me even more eager to read Kemmerer's ACSDaL.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction


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