Christmas Eve morning: What is a book you wake up excited to read? One you anticipate reading or one you read in the past that you want to get back into?
For this one I chose "Christmas past", lol, as I see the spin there...kinda! I read The Named a loooong time ago and I planned to re-read it this year, but obviously that didn't happen, so 2019 it is! All because Marianne wrote a NEW installment into the series I long thought over! SQUEE!
Christmas Eve breakfast: What are your favorite treats during the holiday season?
COOKIES!! Sadly we made our cookies two weekends ago, so they're about half gone now! Lol. And while chocolate chip was among them, this is not my picture. I didn't even think to take a pic of them back then! But we have a variety of cookies we make and most all of them are dubbed "Christmastime" cookies as that's when we make that particular variety. Though Chocolate Chip is an everyday kind of cookie around these parts! Lol.
Family Time: What is a book that fills you with happiness and love? the warm fuzzies in general?
I didn't want to choose Harry Potter for this one despite it being the "go to" answer and totally true too! Instead I went with Old Magic, also by Marianne Curley! It was one of my first witchy magic books that wasn't in the Harry Potter style. It's a book that held me enraptured the entire time I read. It was one I re-read often when I didn't have "new" reads as a teen. It's hard to really describe why this book is so dear to me, but it is! You'd think a paranormal read couldn't generate the warm fuzzies, but this one did just that for me!
Christmas Carols: What are your favorite Christmas Carols or holiday songs?
I like many of the classic Christmas Carols, though for me I say classic meaning the classic rock ones! Though I do enjoy some of the other more classic "classics!" Rockin Around the Christmas Tree is one I never tire of!
Anticipation: What is a book release you are very much anticipating?
Without a doubt that would be Stephanie Garber's Finale! This series took me by surprise and swept me away! I am positively dying to see how this series will end!
You hear sleigh bells on the roof and are so excited you can't sleep!: What is a book that kept you up all night?
I read Summoned to Thirteenth Grave back in October and it was one that held me riveted! It's the final book of the Charley Davidson series and I HAD to see how it ended! And whoa! Just whoa!! I'm dying for Darynda to make some sort of announcement because I can't handle this!!
It's Christmas morning, and Santa has come!: What is a book on your wishlist that you hope to unwrap?
I am hoping that maybe Wicked Charm by Amber Hart is one that my Secret Santa might have picked out! Otherwise I'm definitely buying this one post holidays!
If you want to get in on this last minute tag, consider yourself tagged!