A Book You Feel You Need to Read Because Everyone Talks About It
I had head a lot of good things about this one and decided to pick it up when I went to a signing of hers. I still haven't read it but intend to!
A Book That's Really Long
I chose this in another TBR style tag last week and it's still my choice for this one! It's a super long book at 500+ pages! It's intimidating to get started on it.
A Book That You've Owned/Had on Your TBR for Too Long
Based on my Goodreads stats this one as been on my TBR pile since the beginning! It was the first book I marked as "To Be Read" on Goodreads in 2011.
A Book That's Required Reading
(eg. school text, popular classic--something you feel obligated to read)
I've wanted to give this one a try for awhile...still haven't read it but it's in the TBR pile!
A Book That Intimidates You
I wanted to read this one for a long time but haven't gotten around to it yet. I think it's because it's size and subject manner have me a little worried. Fantasies can be hit or miss depending on world-building.
A Book That You Think Might Be Slow
Despite hearing good things, I can't help but worry that it might be a bit slow for me. I haven't tried it yet but it's in the TBR!
A Book You Need to Be in the Right Mood For
I've a couple of this style book in my TBR pile. A sort of "non fiction" book that dives into the inner workings of Disney!
A Book You're Unsure if You Will Like
I bought this because I love the author's previous books but I'll admit the plot has me wondering if I will like it or not. I will still read it at some point...just don't know when!
If you want to get in on this tag, consider yourself tagged!