May 13, 2019

Let's Discuss: My UNDYING Love for Vampires

My love for reading truly came from a newfound love for vampires! I probably talked about this once upon a time ago, but I decided it was time for a refresher!

My UNDYING Love for Vampires!

I picked up this book Demon in My View once upon a time ago, mainly because I saw the heroine was named Jessica and it involved a vampire! Plus it alluded to that the stories she created were coming to some sense! So I read it. And I LOVED it! I mean LOOOOOOVED it!! It was unlike anything I had read before...which was a slew of contemporary reads that I can't really even remember anymore because they paled in comparison. At least to me, mind you!

I soon began looking for any YA vampire book I could get my hands on! And this was before the big Paranormal YA heyday! It was insanely HARD to find a vampire YA book. But I did discover some good ones among other Amelia Atwater-Rhodes titles, L.J. Smith, Vivian Vande Velde, Annette Curtis Klause...and when the vampires were lacking I moved to other creatures of the night with werewolves, demons, witches, ghosts...whatever I could get my hands on! 

I somehow earned the nickname "Vampire Girl" in high school among my friends because according to them I was "always" reading a vampire book of some kind. When I said, no, this book involved ghosts or a necromancer I just earned odd looks! Lol!

Then there was a lull. For a good amount of years, there wasn't anything in the YA world that involved the things that go bump in the night, so I moved onto adult books. It wasn't until 2009 about the the time of this blog starting, that I saw an influx of Paranormal YA titles like Vampire Academy, The Summoning, My Soul to Take, and I felt myself on Cloud 9 once more!!

And then once again I notice the books stopped coming out! It was a horror story made real once more! No one was publishing about my beloved dark world of mysterious creatures. There was a still a decent amount of Fantasy reads, which I discovered were equally pleasing, but nothing will ever satisfy me as much than a book about vampires or ghosts or werewolves, etc. 

But then I heard last year that Renee Ahdieh's next release was The Beautiful and it was about VAMPIRES and I swear I FLIPPED OUT!!! I don't know if this means vampires and Paranormal beings are on the rise again, but I sure hope so!!

So in a sense this is my DESPERATE plea to the good folks at Penguin Teen that among all the fabulous bloggers out there, I am one who had always advocated the Paranormal reads to my followers, especially the vampires! They were my first love loooong before my blog started and still remain to be on my truest of true loves! So I am pleading and perhaps begging/groveling/throwing my life on the line that if it is at all possible to send an ARC my way, I will be the HAPPIEST blogger in the world!!