Teaser Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Purple Princess of The Purple Booker.
1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a page
3. Pick out 2 lines that are SPOILER FREE
4. Name the title, author, etc.
"Starving is its own special brand of hell. My lips are cracked and my throat is so dry it's difficult to swallow. My arms weigh a ton apiece, and my feet feel like they're encased in concrete blocks. My thoughts won't focus, and every now and then I realize I've been staring into the dark, thinking about nothing at all. As if my brain has turned itself off to preserve energy." p 28-29
TITLE: 99 Lies
AUTHOR: Rachel Vincent
PUBLISHER: Katherine Tegen Books
GENRE: YA Thriller
RELEASE DATE: June 26, 2018
Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.
This week's topic is: Books That I Refuse to Let Anyone Touch (too special/valuable, perhaps?) (submitted by Savannah Grace @ Scattered Scribblings)
*in no particular order
**Since the answer obviously can't be every single one of the currently 1803 books in my possession, I went with the top ten! ;)
10. BROKEN by Marianne Curley--a random edition to choose, I know! This was one I actually won SIGNED! Since Marianne is from Australia and I'll likely never get to meet her I would basically never allow anyone to touch this one!
9. THE LANGUAGE OF THORNS by Leigh Bardugo (or ANY Bardugo book!)--to date this is currently my favorite book from Leigh! Of course I've loved all her books, but this one is my fave since it's fairy tale related. It's also signed as many of my Leigh books are...so no touchie!
8. DARKFEVER by Karen Marie Moning (or ANY Fever book!)--lol, you guessed it! Last year I drove all the way to Kentucky to meet Karen and was able to get my entire collection to date signed, so yeah...no one's touching those puppies!
7. ANY CLASSIC EDITION--so I've a few special classic editions on my shelves that I would never loan out because of their beauty. And in this one's case because it's interactive with extra pieces and "thrills." I don't think I'd trust anyone enough to let them borrow it!
6. ANY PAPERBACK BOOK--I made the mistake of letting my mom read this one once upon a time. I saw her...I'm sorry, this is hard...I saw her BENDING THE COVER ALL THE WAY AROUND when reading it. After that I pretty much never loan out my Mass Market Paperbacks!
5. ANY SIGNED BOOK--so as you can imagine, I've a LOT of signed books! I've traveled far and wide, paid a lot of money for different conventions and all the travel fees that went with them to meet my favorite authors. Kelley being one of them! So if it's a signed book, it's likely not leaving my house!
4. ANY HARRY POTTER BOOK--I mean, most people have their own set by now right? Well, to be doubly sure I'd never have to loan mine out--not that I would--I bought my sister her own complete set as a new classroom gift and then since some of her editions were never returned, I bought my niece her own set because she kept eyeing mine! Lol.
3. ANY L.J. SMITH BOOK--I've at least 6 original cover editions of L.J. Smith's books, plus 4 of her new compilations which are hefty tomes...so basically I'd never loan any of those out for classic cover reasons and fear of damage to hefty spines!
2. DEMON IN MY VIEW by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes--my first vampire book. It holds a special place in my heart and will never leave my side! Either edition! Lol. Plus they're signed as I FINALLY got to meet Amelia a few years ago...so yeah...no one touches those either!
1. CARAVAL by Stephanie Garber--yeah...I've got quite the collection of Stephanie's books and I can honestly say I'd never loan any of them out! But I'd likely buy that one for you for Christmas! ;)