Jan 13, 2023

Book Blogger Hop


This meme is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addict!
This week's question is: Are there any new books in 2023 that you are excited to read? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer

MY ANSWER: Well obviously my sole focus is on A Curse for True Love by Stephanie Garber! I am already counting down the days until September 12th! 246 days if you wanted to know! Hopefully the date stays solid...unless they want to move it up, I'll be totally fine with that!

Since I am vastly behind on some other books and such, I find myself excited for sequels to other books I have not read, but only in the sense of "yay, there's more to binge!" Morgan Rhodes' Legends and Liars is another one I am excited for! I read the first book as an ARC in 2021, so this wait has been killer! June 13th can't come soon enough either...because then there will be almost exactly 3 months until ACFTL!

And finally, because I feel like 3 is enough to showcase, another book I am SUPER STOKED for is Kresley Cole's From the Grave! I've been waiting almost 5 years for this book (as of this day, by the time it releases it will be over 5 years!). I had almost given up hope, but Kresley has saved a part of my sanity!! This one will release on April 18th. So if I disappear around this time of the year, it's because I am reading this book and no one will spoil anything for me! Lol.

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