Mar 1, 2020

Stacking the Shelves

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks! The meme is now hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality.

Well this was some week. Sadly nothing positive on the job front. I had one interview, but honestly, it doesn't sound like the right job for me at all. Then I was supposed to get another one set up for this week, but the person hasn't replied to the email that I sent to reply to their initial email. It's basically a giant headache! Then--as I write this post--I was starting the process of getting Disqus as my commenting forum after I spent two days deleting spam comments from several posts. It was way too many and I was ready to make that change. Yet, I am struggling to get all ELEVEN years worth of comments to move into the new format. The tutorial video applied to Wordpress and when I tried following along the instructions for Blogger, nothing happened. I mean, I think nothing happened unless something happens off screen. I don't know! I just know the progress bar on the multiple clicks I did to get my comments from my blog never moved and comment status remained 0/0! I mean really?! This is when I hate computers. I've never been overtly tech savvy and have usually gone with the "default" for most tech related things but the spam comments were getting on my nerves! Now I just have to hope there's a way to get back 11 years and 1 month worth of comments into this Disqus system!

So onto the happier what I got this week! Here's what I bought:

The Shadows Between Us by Tricia Levenseller--keeper copy & SIGNED!!

Then a month ago, I tracked down yet another international site that shipped books to the US and was able to add TWO more books to my Caraval collection!

It's the PERSIAN editions!!! Aren't they just gorgeous!! And THEN it was announced that FINALE will be releasing in this language in May!! So I'll be able to have a FULL SET of them soon!!

Caraval by Stephanie Garber--Persian edition (left)
Legendary by Stephanie Garber--Persian edition 

Then some preorder swag came in the mail this week:

 On the left you will see my postcard set for The Shadows Between Us, plus a SIGNED bookplate!
Then on the right there's the lenticular map from Maureen Johnson's Truly Devious trilogy that I still need to start!

And then I found this sign on Mercari from a seller, it came from a small shop's box...I want to say Flick and Wick? Anyway, it was Caraval related AND it was from Bookish Signs and More! So I felt compelled to buy it since it was a reasonable price!

And as I was taking a picture for a future post, you can see I already added it to my bookcase!

I'm still debating about moving a shelf out of this so that the books can stand up straight like the first shelf! I think in the long run I can get more books into the case than I can by laying them all down as they are now.

And that was it for me this week! What did you all get?



  1. I'm reading The Shadows Between Us right now! I'm really enjoying it!

  2. I have been getting a ton of spam lately, but I just went to moderating comments. Looks like you finally got Disqus working though, so, yeah! It's pretty impressive, that Caraval has been translated into so many languages.

  3. The Shadows Between Us looks really interesting. I hope you enjoy it.

  4. I know just enough tech stuff to get myself in trouble. LOL Very nice book haul!

  5. I love your bookshelf! I have thought about using Disqus but I worry about losing my comments that I already have. I hope to see you this week (if I don't back out of going)! Have a nice week!

  6. The Shadows Between Us!! I can't WAIT to get my hands on this one! I hope you love i!

  7. I read somewhere that the interview process is now 8 weeks long, so I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

    Sorry Disqus screwed up so bad ☹


Comments are an award all on their own! So my blog is an award free one! Thanks for any consideration though!