Sep 8, 2023

Book Blogger Hop

This meme is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addict!
This week's question is: Do you agree that libraries should ban books? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer

MY ANSWER: Oh this is tough for me to explain without writing an essay! I guess I believe they should be able to, if the book itself is just blatantly "unsound." I guess what I mean is if it's a book that just comes off as downright hateful to any kind of group, be it in terms of gender identity, race, religion...just anything like that. 
As for books people are wanting banned these days, no. I don't think the library should ban those books. In fact, I really don't think libraries want to ban any books unless they are one of dark matters above. I mean we don't need a handbook to calling evil entities available for any to read! But a book that involves a character of the LGBTQIAP+ community should not be banned for that reason. If parents don't want their teens reading those kinds of books, watch them like a hawk 24/7. Because honestly, if a teen wants to read something you're telling them not to, they are likely going to want to read it because you told them no! Lol. So really, "banning" these kinds of books will just make them hunt them down all the harder and do exactly what the parents don't want them to do.
But I guess in the long run my answer is no, I don't think libraries or anyone should ban books of any kind. The only books to be banned are ones that threaten the literal safety of humankind or attack any kind of group of people. And really, I highly doubt libraries or bookstores would even have this kind of material.

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