Sep 24, 2023

Stacking the Shelves


Stacking the Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts, and of course ebooks! The meme is now hosted by Reading Reality


I got through another week! All about surviving the busy season. Things weren't too bad this week. It has become less stressful since we added two more people to our team and this week we initiated a "no skip" rule when it came to requests to fulfill and omg, it was wonderful! So many times we had people skip so that as soon as I completed my turn, it would start over practically and I'm third in line so yeah, it was stressful and then I have to keep an eye on all those's madness. But this "no skip" policy was wonderful because I felt like I didn't have to pick up everyone else's slack. It was pretty quiet for books wise. This week I have TWO book signings! TWO! And oddly, once again, for the SECOND time THIS YEAR...there are two signings I would've liked to attend but they were on the same night! So sadly, I'm just missing out on one, I had won a book from one of the Fierce Reads authors touring, but since I knew I couldn't attend, I didn't read it right away to have signed, instead I'm going to a signing for an author I'd never imagined meeting as I read the book years ago when Borders was still around! He actually wrote a sequel to the book I read and I remember enjoying the first book despite not remembering much else other than that. It was pre-blogging days too, so I've no record of my love for it! Lol. But since I spent 2 separate 3 hour trips to my storage unit looking for said book, I'm going to that signing! Lol. My second signing is with Shelby Mahurin for The Scarlet Veil which I am ALL kinds of excited for! Give me all the vampires! I even came across my bonus alternate chapter that I got from Fairy Loot one year and thought, why not get that signed too since my S&D trilogy is all signed up?!


Here's what I got this week:


A Multitude of Dreams by Mara Rutherford
A Taste of Darkness edited by Amy McCaw & Maria Kuzniar--
reading this now and LOVING it! At the time of writing this I've read 5 stories and all were pretty darn creepy! I'm thinking this might have to be my book to giveaway in my Halloween giveaway next month!

Then I also got the September Owl Crate book! I usually always look forward to the September pick as it tends to be their "creepy" or "spooky" book choice for Halloween reading! It was actually one I was curious about so I was happy to get it. The alternate cover though isn't quite what I would hope for. It's not bad, just meh? It's pretty in an artistic way, but I guess when I compare it to the standard cover I find myself feeling meh. Lol.

My box is actually the newly designed one. I only ever got one of these teal beauties! I might have to save it for nostalgia's sake! I meant to take a new picture of said box but just forgot. So here's my stand in picture since I don't like to share the actual book in case others like being surprised! I tend to look for the title spoiler myself these days to ensure I want it, but I like being surprised by the design itself, so I try to keep this as a spoiler free zone as much as possible! Unless I tend to see said "surprise" covers a lot before I get my own then I figure it's safe enough! Thankfully haven't been spoiled for too much lately!

And that was it for me this week! Not too bad! I can't remember what preorders I might have coming next week. I will be keep a very close eye on my TSV B&N edition as my preorders tend to arrive on Fridays which is my signing day and the mail time itself is unpredictable. It could be a close call, so I might have to call the PO again the day before to ensure that I have my book in time for me to get down to the bookstore before traffic hits!

What all did you get this week?


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