Sep 10, 2023

Stacking the Shelves--Failure and Then There were Two


Stacking the Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts, and of course ebooks! The meme is now hosted by Reading Reality

I write this post to you once again completely exhausted. Although this time around, it's still fairly early in the evening! Lol. I spent a little over 3 hours in my storage unit lifting every box of books trying to find one little book I need for a signing at the end of the month. I did not find the box. I labeled all my book boxes with what authors are inside, or if they were "classics" or just Harry Potter books, that kind of thing. Book boxes are labeled for this very reason! But for whatever reason I could not find the book I wanted. The problem is that I just have 1 book by this author, so it's likely I just put it in a book with "classics" but I checked those and did not find it. I still have 2 more weekends to check before the signing and I do plan on going back next weekend, probably on Sunday...just gotta see what those weekend's plans are. But it was SO devastating! Every time I have gone into that unit to look for a book for a signing, I've always found it. This time I failed. So I decided my game plan for next weekend is to pull a box down, OPEN it check the books inside and then stack it in a "negative" pile. It will be deeply time consuming but is the best solution I can think of. I have a slight fear that the book could somehow have made it to the "non-books" side of the unit. Like maybe a box of "no way I'll ever meet this author" kind of books. That's next week's game plan anyway.

Otherwise my week was pretty quiet. Work is still fairly busy but we have 2 new people who started so that will hopefully help lighten the load once they get fully trained. Other than my devastation of not finding the book for the signing later this month causing massive devastation internally--because I did all that lifting and maneuvering for nothing and have to do it all over again to try to find it again--things were just typical.

I actually didn't get too much this week, but oh did that B&N sale kill me! I mean, I know things aren't charged all right away, but holy cow. I think one day will about kill me as I pre-ordered a bit too much for October 3!

Here's what I got this week:

Enchanted to Meet You by Meg Cabot--so excited for another paranormal book from Meg! It's been ages! I pretty much love everything about this book already! It's paranormal, it has a purple cover, and the heroine has my name! Lol!
Midnight at the Houdini by Delilah S. Dawson--
super excited for this one too! And that COVER! It's SO pretty! I'm already concocting a photo idea...I just need to buy a thing or two. I actually have it in my Amazon cart, but for whatever reason they keep delivering our packages to a house 5 miles from us and then they deliver our replacements there too. We talked to many reps trying to work this thing out and they are supposed to call us on the next delivery that comes this week that will hopefully fix some internal issue with their GPS. Fingers crossed, because then I can place my order for the props to make this picture real!

And that was it for me! What all did you get this week?

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