Sep 29, 2023

Book Blogger Hop


This meme is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addict!
This week's question is: Never judge a book by its film adaption. Do you concur? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)
MY ANSWER: Oh yes! For I almost always say "the book was better!" I think there was only ever 2 instances where I said the movie was better and that was mainly because I had watched the movie about 1000 times before I was deemed "old enough" to read the books. I mean a 7 year old watching Jaws was probably "okay" since there wasn't anything "bad" (other than violence and maybe 1 swear word!) in the movie but a 7 year old reading a bit more problematic. Lol!
But yes, there have been times when the movie appalled me because I wondered if the directors/writers even read the book they were making a movie of because the two were totally unrelated!
So in my opinion...whichever came first sets the bar! If the book was first, read it then see it! Lol. The movie never compares because there really is only so much they can do in the time allotted to the movie but yeah, the book is usually better!
And when I say "whichever came first" that's because on rare occasions I would read books based off the movie! There were a few film adaptations that I read that went along the course of the movie but may have added a few "extras" to jazz things up! I remember one of my favorite mini series had a book adaptation that followed the series pretty well but tweaked things here and there and I remember the first kiss happened sooner but wasn't like THE KISS the TV series had, but the book had that too. So yeah, there are times when the book does come second...and sometimes, I did kind of like that one better just because of the "more-ness" they added to the storyline! Lol.

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