Sep 30, 2023

Let's Discuss: A.I.


So todays topic is more of a mini rant but it’s one I’ve been seeing around in the world lately, so I figure why not turn it into a discussion since I haven’t had any good ideas all month long! I was hit with idea after idea last month and now…nothing! Lol. 


This whole A.I. thing that’s been taking over the world is really starting to freak me out. I mean not only is this thing taking jobs away from people but it’s been hurting artists as we’ve all seen the A.I. constructed covers, but now authors’ books are being fed to an A.I. program to teach it to write?! What the heck?! And to hear the books were basically pirated and authors weren’t even contacted regarding this is just disgusting!

I mean all this A.I. business kind of just freaks me out. I mean not only are we just eliminating jobs actual people can do, but I think we’re hurting ourselves in the long run. But I mean come on! Have none of these people seen one of the handful of Terminator movies?! Does no one think that these machines might get TOO smart because you keep feeding it information? Yes I know those are movies and fictional but there’s a little grain of truth tucked in there that I bet no one thought much of in 1984! The Simpsons even had this happening in one of their Halloween shows. It’s not a stretch to think our technology will outsmart us and do who knows what! I can only hope that’s at least 80-100 years away from now but the scary thing is I could see it happening in maybe half that!

The other weekend we went to Sam’s Club and I saw one of those forklift things driving itself! There was still a seat and steering wheel for a human but no one was there! That alone was pretty freaking! I mean I’ve seen the tall pole like sensors rolling around the grocery store taking inventory, but the forklift thing was something else! I mean it wasn’t a forklift exactly but that same kind of machine minus the fork part. Big motor vehicle driving itself. Terrifying. 

I mean I guess there are good reasons to have this A.I. I mean so far I’ve only seen and heard about the jobs it’s taking from real humans but I suppose there’s something good about it? I don’t know. I just know that it freaks me out and the handful of dystopian books I’ve read have histories that started just like this…

What’s your opinion on this A.I. business? 


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