Sep 3, 2023

Stacking the Shelves--Signings, Sales, & Pins, Oh My!


Stacking the Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts, and of course ebooks! The meme is now hosted by Reading Reality

I write this post very late Saturday night. Like it's nearly going live as soon as I finish it! Lol! The week was a wild one! Work is starting to get busy as our busy season is slowly starting. I had a book signing Thursday night which was fabulous! I met J. Elle and got to see Shelby Mahurin again! I saw her the last time I was in YALLFest and according to my records my books are all signed by her, but never fear she's returning next month for The Scarlet Veil and I cannot wait to see her again and get my new books signed too! Then yesterday I spent the majority of the day helping my sister clean out her old house as she just moved into a new house! She had movers over the other day but a lot of stuff in her basement was "odds and ends" and wasn't boxed properly to movers' standards so me, my mom and stepdad were helping out. They were cutting up a HUGE tree limb that landed on the property line of her house and the neighbor and though it was his tree the majority of the branch was unfortunately in her yard, so while they were cutting it up and breaking branches, I was hauling up dozens and dozens of odds and ends and boxes upstairs so that it's at least one floor closer to the door. I wasn't sure what stuff was a "need it now" and what stuff she can wait another week on and what just might need to be donated. So for now 95% of the left behind stuff is in her kitchen with a few things here and there in the basement that we will likely take a look at next week. So yes, it was a very looooong day, I dripped in sweat, but it was a good exercise that I am likely feeling by the time you read this! Now hopefully when I find my dream house next year (feeling like it will be at least that, if I am lucky!) I can get that same kind of help my way! Lol.

It was a pretty good book week too! I got my signing book, some preorders, I hit up what is now B&N's only sale which is a double stamps sale--double until 2 years when my old B&N membership expires and my credit card starts paying for the premium one. I find it aggravating I can't just become one automatically without losing the money that's already put down the two years I have left. Sigh...oh well.

But anyway, here's what I got:

My Roommate is a Vampire by Jenna Levine
Dead Man's Float by Shawn Sarles
Never a Hero by Vanessa Len


House of Marionne by J. Elle--SIGNED & I got a beautiful butterfly pin at the signing!
Foxglove by Adalyn Grace--
SIGNED Standard edition! I also got the beautiful print and fox pin!


Then my Fairy Loot edition of Never a Hero came as well this week!


Never a Hero by Vanessa Len--Fairy Loot edition

Then I won a Spooky September contest from Fierce Reads and won The Changing Man plus a bag of swag!

The Changing Man by Tomi Oyemakinde
tote bag
pencil pouch
reader's light
emotional sticky tabs

THANK YOU Fierce Reads!

Then I ordered this gorgeous pin from Dreamy & Co when I saw they were having a sale last weekend! I checked my Caraval pin banner and I can make it fit! Lol! As of last night it was still on sale too if you wanted to grab one! ;)

And then lastly, when I was running what was meant to be two errands that turned into three hours worth of errands, eating up all my reading time on Friday but I ended up with this totally adorable Disney blanket at Kohl's so it wasn't a total wash! Lol! I do wish that Rapunzel could've been added since she had moments of reading in her opening song in Tangled, but they have Belle so it was pretty much the only reason why I bought it despite it not being on sale! Luckily I had an Amazon return coupon in my purse plus Kohl's cash and Kohl's Rewards cash, I got this blanket and two t-shirts for $8!

If anyone was wondering, yes, I now have wayyyyy too many blankets! Should there ever be a power outage in winter, I will be toasty warm! Warmer than I ever need to be! But seriously, LOOK at this print! How could I say no despite owning more blankets than I know what to do with?! I can honestly say I did not have a blanket like this! Lol! I was going to say no blanket with actual books on it...but I think I do have one of those and I have bookish blankets from book yeah...

Blanket fort anyone?

And that was it for me this week! I'm still pretty over the moon with all my goodies this week! And I am absolutely exhausted as I am now wrapping up this post nearly an hour after I started it! Lol. 

So what all did you get this week?

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