Sep 22, 2023

Book Blogger Hop


This meme is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addict!
This week's question is: Has reading helped you become a better person? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer

MY ANSWER: I like to think so. I mean, I know I have better vocabulary. I mean, I'm not top notch sophisticated but I'll throw out words that my family does a double take on. And even thought the stories I read are all fictional, they still have threads of reality mixed in with them or even realistic situations being had by vampires and werewolves. 

I feel like I'm struggling to analyze this question properly, like how level of deep are we saying by "better person?" Like enhanced vocab? Because, check! Better at recognizing villainous people? Maybe check, checkish. I tend to avoid most people unless I'm at a bookish event! Lol. I feel like I do have a very healthy awareness about myself and surroundings to make sure I'm not in scary situations.

So I guess in essence reading as taught me a lot and that in turn has made me a better person. Although I like to think I was a good person beforehand too. Perhaps I was more naive in my younger days, but weren't we all? Adult me would very much like to go back in time and have younger me speak up more in certain situations that come back to haunt me, moments where my outspoken self wasn't quite as vocal...not that I am super outspoken now, but yeah. I feel like I'm getting off topic now. Lol.

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