Dec 29, 2023

Book Blogger Hop


This meme is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addict!
This week's question is: Did you exchange gifts for Christmas with other book lovers? (Submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)

MY ANSWER: Well, I got myself writing these posts ahead of time now and haven't gone back to being a week in advance. Sadly my one friend moved away and we kind of lost contact, but we used to exchange books every Christmas for a few years. I did join the annual Secret Santa exchange hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl! I've been doing this for...I don't know how long! Close to the amount of years I've been blogging maybe? It's always fun and I love curating a secret package for my person. 

As I write this, I just received my person and their list of books and hobbies and all sorts of info. Already trying to pick which books I want to buy and determine where to order them from based on shipping speeds and whatnot.

So the short answer is, yes I "did" exchange. As to what I got...well, I don't know yet! Lol! You can be sure to see it in my StS haul post either Sunday or a previous Sunday! Lol. Ahh...the joys of blogging ahead and not knowing what this current time will be like.