Dec 5, 2023

Review--Devouring Darkness by Chloe Neill


In the newest installment of the USA Today bestselling Heirs of Chicagoland series, vampire Elisa Sullivan unearths an ancient grudge, with potentially devastating consequences.

As the only vampire ever born, and the daughter of two very powerful Chicago vampires, Elisa Sullivan knew her life was going to be...unusual. But she wanted to make her own way in the world, preferably away from her famous family. Then supernatural politics--and perhaps a bit of destiny--intervened, and Elisa had to steady her nerves and sharpen her steel to fight for the city of Chicago. Luckily, Connor Keene, son of the North American Central Pack's Apex wolf, is right by her side.

When Elisa and her Ombudsman colleagues agree to escort a troubled sorcereress to Chicago, they inadvertently set in motion a scheme of long-awaited magical vengeance. The city may pay an arcane price it can't afford unless Elisa and her allies rise to the challenge.


Devouring Darkness is Chloe Neill's fourth installment in the Heirs of Chicagoland series and it was just as exciting and action-packed as to be expected from this author! Chloe Neill is one of my favorite urban fantasy authors as she gets the genre! There's the perfect blend of action, romance, mystery, and of course the added paranormal characters!

Elisa is called in to help protect a young sorcereress who is fleeing from trouble, but upon escorting her, she and her team are immediately ambushed by ghosts! Yes, GHOSTS! In the melee the sorcereress runs away or it taken, it's not clear yet, but Elisa is troubled by this. It's not long though before her attention is taken over by a new set of problems! Largely there being a demon afoot who is looking to create a little chaos in Chicago as it looks for one of the Cornerstones that is deemed a place of power.

Soon Elisa's loved ones become in danger and it will be up to her and Connor and their cast of friends to help rescue their loved one and put a stop to the demon trying to take over the city.

One of the things I've always loved about Urban Fantasy is how plot driven the stories are. There's never a dull moment, the action is always moving forward and there are a lot of moving pieces in this one! Characters will be challenged, there will be fights, there will be losses, and revelations will be made. It's a whirlwind of activity that will have you devouring the pages, which was aptly done with that title! Lol.

I loved getting more glimpses at Elisa and Connor's relationship! It's been several books since I last read from this series but all the feelings I had are still there and were revived upon diving back in. It's like I wasn't gone for an insanely long time! What continues to be nice about this series is how seamlessly I can dive back into the story despite all that time! While it is necessary to read in chronological order with this one, there are only a few plot threads that carry over time and time again. They get summed up in some ways that make it easy to understand what had happened and how it relates to the current events.

I'm about to dive into the final book of the series and am a nervous wreck! There were some exciting things happening at the end of this one that is sure to lead to an exciting conclusion! I love that we do still get to see Merit and Ethan again and some of the other original cast! Though they aren't center stage with these books, it's still nice to know that they are all there!

If you're a fan of the Chicagloand Vampire series than you probably don't need me to tell you to read this series asap because you probably already are! If you have not read the first incredible series, you don't have to necessarily in order to grasp what's going on in this series! As long as you start at the beginning of it, you will be fine! This is a series, and author, for all fans of the beloved Urban Fantasy genre and comes highly recommended from this reader!


Overall Rating 5/5 stars





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