Dec 10, 2023

Stacking the Shelves--The Mostly Keeper Copy Edition

Stacking the Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts, and of course ebooks! The meme is now hosted by Reading Reality


Another week has flown by! Is the year just winding down to nothing for everyone else as well? It's crazy how fast time flies once Halloween comes and goes! The work week was more normal, of course Friday, one of our main systems was not working at all and it was a pain as I couldn't do any of the requests that were assigned to me because I use this system. So yeah, Friday I had a whole lot of nothing for my short day. I did have a book signing this week and got to see Renee Ahdieh! I've met her before at festivals but this was the first time I really got to listen and hear her talk! So that was fun! Other than that, it was just a normal dull week. But I am like 99% done with my Christmas shopping! I just need one more little thing and if I happen across something too cute for my lil niece and nephew that would be a bonus! But other than that...I think I am done! Currently waiting on one more thing for my Secret Santa as I hit a snafu in my packing and it cut me I am adding something extra with a hopeful promise to correct the snafu should everything go as planned for January! So fingers crossed!


Here's what I got:



The Ruined by Renee Ahdieh--SIGNED keeper copy
The Hunting Moon by Susan Dennard--
SIGNED keeper copy
Good Girls Don't Die by Christina Henry--
keeper copy
The Unmaking of June Farrow by Adrienne Young--
this and Henry's book were my Cyber Monday deals from B&N!

Then I received for review from the publisher:

Bride by Ali Hazelwood (ARC)

THANK YOU Berkley Books!

Then I got my November Doll of the Month from Pages of the Night! This doll is AMAZING! It's funny because I was just getting ready to message Britnee about making this as a custom as I saw her recent one for Gilded Prison...or something from that series and thought, ooh that could work for THIS idea! And then Britnee announced it just before I got around to messaging her! The timing couldn't be more perfect!

For those who don't know, this is Tella from Legendary based off the Taiwanese cover! See below. This is one of my favorite international covers of Stephanie's and was what led me to buy my own birdcage and use another Tella doll I had to recreate it on the fly a few years ago! Now I got the perfect replica!

THANK YOU Britnee for another AMAZING creation!

Then in my family we celebrate St. Nicholas' Day on the 6th with stockings! Usually just candy, an ornament for the tree and a little gift or two. This was in mine and I LOVE it! I can't wait to have it in my library I just need the house that has said library room! Lol.

And that was it for me this week! What did you all get?

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