So it's Sunday morning and I am currently waiting on books that should have arrived on Friday! If you read my Stacking the Shelves post, you might have seen my ranting about B&N once again delaying my mail. And it really sucks as one of the books that is coming to me I REALLY want to read! I had actually expected to be starting it this week, but now that will not be happening at all.
Deliberate Duplicate Copies?
So my question to you is, have you ever decided to buy a book that you already preordered but haven't received in a timely manner? I was hard pressed to just buy a copy of Against the Darkness by Kendare Blake at B&N this weekend when I went for Member's Day. But unfortunately, the store did not have it at all. So that was another rant in my head! How can a bookstore not have a book on release day?! And even with my local indie stores that I follow on Instagram, not one of them had it included with the YA books and I was like WHAT?!
But I was just sooooo angry with B&N for once again doing whatever it is that they do with my preorders that they take longer than media mail to get to me! I mean it's truly ridiculous that I can get mail shipped via media mail faster than my B&N membership shipping!
I was SOOO angry that I was willing to just buy a second copy of Against the Darkness and return the other whenever it got here, but sadly that plan was smashed to pieces when no one had it on the shelves! Not even Target! I was like, what the heck?!
But anyway, my main question is, have you ever decided to buy a book off the shelves because the one you ordered was taking too long to get to you? I don't usually see anyone else having these kinds of issues with their mail, so I'm curious. Do you have issues and aren't as vocal as I am? Lol. Sorry for my constant ranting too, I just need to vent and my family is just like, "you have too many books!" So they're no help! Lol. This book in particular is a series finale so I am dying to see how it all ends! Luckily, book 2 didn't end with a massive cliffhanger or anything, but still...I have that desire to see how it all ends! It's the Buffyverse folks!
I honestly can't really remember if I ever went out and bought a copy of a book that I knew was on its way to me. Honestly back then, B&N had their act together and my preorders always arrived on the Friday of release week. I knew to expect them then. If signings happened prior to then, I'd try to cancel the book and just pick it up at the signing anyway. Other times, if there was no signing involved, I would just tell myself to read another TBR book and continue to wait for the book that should've been delivered already. But seriously, prior to this year I NEVER had this problem of delayed book mail. Every other thing I order arrives when they say it will if not a day earlier, so there's truly some force working against me and my books and I. Do. Not. Like. It.
I came close to breaking that rule this week. I mean, I already need to return one of the other books that is on its way so I figured it's not going to save me a trip if I don't buy the other book, but alas, all the bookstores in the county were against me. So hopefully I can read it next week...if it ever arrives. Or it the replacement copy arrives before then too.
So have you ever intentionally bought a second copy of a book that you knew was slowly making its slow, slow, ever so slow way (slower than media mail, which I didn't think there was anything slower than media mail) to you?