Apr 2, 2024

Let's Discuss: Film-to-Book Adaptations


Last week's Top Ten Tuesday post got me thinking again about film to book adaptations and I decided I would talk more about them here as I try to keep the TTT commentary to a minimum! Lol.

Film to Book Adaptations

So I'm curious, have you ever read any of the film to book adaptations that get published? I don't even know if they still do this. I mean I know sometimes when a book gets turned into a movie, the book is reprinted with the movie poster as the cover. But have you ever read books that came after the movie? 

So in 2007, 2 years after Supernatural got on the air, they made a book series about it! I didn't keep up with it as I feel like that was close to when my blogging life took off! Yes, it was 2007 and I started in 2009 but I think I read at least 3 books, so we're close enough! Plus my savvy knowledge in finding releases wasn't quite in place yet! I mean, trying to find releases for a series written by multiple authors is hard enough! 

But anyway, I loved following some of these TV series book adaptations because they felt like extra episodes! Since I didn't keep up with this one I can't say if "book things" became "TV things." But you can safely say if it happened on the show, it could be referenced in the book!

Another of my favorites was the Roswell book series! Yes, the show was originally based off Roswell High by Melinda Metz, but eventually MORE books came that spun off from the show!

We had one set of books--as I hesitate to really call it "series" but I guess one could--that sort of made a sequel book to an episode! Like I vaguely remember No Good Deed picking up the storyline from a Christmas episode where Max healed children in the hospital at Christmas, but alas...another sick child was in a different "wing" or room and didn't get magically healed. I think the father then thought Michael had something to do with it since he was there. The one before this actually brought back the guy who shot Liz (accidentally)! And then there was another set of books, four I believe (I can remember some of this since I was packing them all into storage a year or so ago, so I revisited admiring some books for awhile! Took me a long time to pack let me tell you! lol), that had adventures from where the show left off! It was amazing since I didn't want the show to end! Especially after just 3 seasons!

I remember doing what I could to find information about these books since at that time I didn't have a lot of new books to read! We're talking endlessly re-reading stuff and even reading contemporary! I was a whole different reader before blogging, let me tell you!

I also read the movie to book adaptations too of favorites!

Now it's been several hundred books since I've read these since I read them so many years ago on top of that! But when I loved a movie, I basically looked into seeing if there was a book too!

That's how I also learned of other movie to books that weren't movies at all but prequels too! Okay, that was just with Underworld since there was a story within the story that could be explored! But then yeah, they made a prequel movie and things were changed up a bit! I feel like in this one Sonja was more typical princess than warrior princess as the movie eventually made her. But I can't really remember, so don't quote me on that if you decide to go backwards! What was nice was that with these books the same author wrote all the novelizations! Even the "official" prequel novelization once the movie came about!

Although it doesn't look like he ever went with the sequels with Theo James...sigh.

But there you have it! In my early days of reading life, before the blog and loooong before the TBR pile came about, I entertained myself with books like these! I mean when you loved a TV show or movie, it's pretty safe to say you'll enjoy the book too! Even if the book came after the movie as they sometimes did!

How about you? Did you ever read film to book adaptations? Did you know they used to (or maybe still, I really don't know since my TBR is so crazy and it's been eons since I saw an original movie that I loved) do this?